Link your book editions in Author Central

Amazon’s Author Central is a fantastic, free tool for authors. It’s important to merge or “link” your book editions on Amazon — Kindle, paperback, hardcover, audiobook formats — under a single title. This way, all formats are displayed together, making it...

How to merge two Author Central accounts

Do you have multiple Author Central accounts at Amazon that you need to merge? Here’s how to do it. Log in to the UK Author Central account that you want to keep, then click here to go to the relevant page for merging author pages. Or, for the US Author Central,...

Hardback Books on Amazon: A Guide for Indie Authors

Hardback books have always been popular. A 2019 poll on Goodreads revealed data to back this up: more than 40% of readers expressed a preference for hardback books over their paperback counterparts. Traditionally, indie authors didn’t have the option for...

The royalty process at UK Book Publishing

This article explains how our royalty processes work at UK Book Publishing. Publisher compensation As a publisher, we receive “publisher compensation” payments from our distributors such as Amazon and Lightning Source. These are the ‘gross’ or...

Understanding Amazon KDP royalties and KENP

For authors with ebooks on Amazon, in your royalty report you may see up to three Amazon KDP lines for each ebook, each corresponding to the type of ebook sale: Standard – a regular purchase of your ebook. Free – Promotion – how many Amazon customers ordered...

Tracking changes to your book manuscript

When an author sends their finished manuscript to us, this is the start of an exciting process – publishing your book. And the first stage is usually copyediting or proofreading. First, let’s explain the difference: Proofreading a manuscript covers grammar, spelling,...

VAT removed from ebooks

One of the unexpected consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic has been the removal of VAT from ebooks. Previously, although printed books are zero-rated for VAT, ebooks and online subscriptions have not been exempted. In March, UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced this...

Preparing to spend money

An idea for a book can brew in your mind like a warm cup of tea but getting it down on a page is only half the job… Once a book is written, the next logical step is publishing. The development of independent publishing has opened the market to new authors who...

Protect your book from intellectual property theft

One thing most employed people don’t have to deal with, but we creatives do, is legally protecting their projects – the babies of months and months of hard work. Unfortunately, as much as we’d like to build forts around our books and surround them with an army of...

Six ways that reviews can help market your book

To know for sure how book reviews influence sales is hard to gauge. There are many factors that may lead people to purchase a book: boredom, amount of free time to fill, how long it’s been since their last pay day, an impending long train journey… However, there’s one...

Ebook promotion with KDP Select

With the ever-growing number of self-publishing authors, effectively marketing your ebook really is the key to success. There are so many tools and methods available already, from self-promotion on social media to freebie chapters, that this entrepreneurial part of...

How do you write a book?

There can be many things stopping us writing the book we’ve always wanted to write. One of these is how to actually organise your time and sit down to write the book. So many people have some really great ideas for a book, but never reach the point of getting the...

Choosing categories and keywords for your Kindle ebook

As a writer in the world of self-publishing, you’re up against thousands of other books. It’s a super-competitive market, so your selling strategies need to be up to scratch to get the desired result. This includes making sure that Amazon’s algorithm rules are working...

How can Goodreads help with your book marketing?

Goodreads is the world’s largest website for readers, authors and book recommendations. Readers can search for new books, new authors, share reviews, and keep track of what they’ve read. And because there are so many readers on the site, it’s a great place for authors...

How to market your book

We’ve come up with a nice little analogy about your book being on Amazon. Imagine your book as a product available in a shop on a shelf somewhere; it exists but it’s not out in the open for everyone to see. Sure, people might stumble across it by chance at some point...

What are the ‘Legal Deposit Libraries’?

In the UK, it’s every publisher’s obligation to send at least one copy of a published book, free of charge, to the British Library. This has been in English law for printed books and papers since 1662 (and for electronic publications since 2013). Since...