by Ugne Rinkeviciute | Aug 8, 2018 | General
One thing most employed people don’t have to deal with, but we creatives do, is legally protecting their projects – the babies of months and months of hard work. Unfortunately, as much as we’d like to build forts around our books and surround them with an army of...
by Ugne Rinkeviciute | Jul 16, 2018 | General
To know for sure how book reviews influence sales is hard to gauge. There are many factors that may lead people to purchase a book: boredom, amount of free time to fill, how long it’s been since their last pay day, an impending long train journey… However, there’s one...
by Ugne Rinkeviciute | Jul 12, 2018 | General
With the ever-growing number of self-publishing authors, effectively marketing your ebook really is the key to success. There are so many tools and methods available already, from self-promotion on social media to freebie chapters, that this entrepreneurial part of...
by Ugne Rinkeviciute | Mar 11, 2013 | General
I don’t know about other authors, but I just love doing festivals and signings. It doesn’t matter how many you do, someone always comes up with a question you hadn’t expected, or some new insight into how your book is read. There are some topics that come up more than...