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Book proofreading and editing

Turn your book from a manuscript into a masterpiece

Even the very best writers rely on proofreaders and editors.

In fact, every traditionally-published book you’ve ever read went through several rounds of editing and proofreading. And there’s good reason for that; it improves and refines the text.

If your book has mistakes or inconsistencies, this can put your reader off. In fact, many self-published books are guilty of ‘rookie’ errors with grammar and spelling that annoy readers, making them lose confidence in the book as a whole.

It needn’t be that way.

Rather than worrying that you might have chosen the wrong word, spelt it incorrectly (spell check is not enough!), or applied the wrong grammatical rules, let our professional proofreaders make sure your book looks good and reads well.

If you’ve written a book, you’ll know the text very well. Possibly too well! It becomes hard for authors to be objective about their own work, and mistakes can go unnoticed.

Our approach to editing and proofreading

Our standard approach is to offer a proofread and light copyedit. This means we check for spelling, gramatical mistakes, and we will make some light changes to sentence construction.

All changes are done in Microsoft Word, using the ‘Track Changes’ feature so you can see all changes and approve, reject, or query each one. If you’re not familiar with Track Changes in Word, do not worry – it’s simple to use and we will show you how it works.

In-depth editing

If you want a more in-depth treatment for your book, we also offer a full structural editing service, advising on plot/story, structure, length and sentence construction.

A good editor can make all the difference to the success of a book.

 Hear what our clients say

 Author Ann Thorsson shares her experience using UK Book Publishing

Are you ready to create a great book with us?

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