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Spanish House Secrets

A delightful historical romance, partly set in Spain, plotted beautifully with engaging characters. Susan’s friend provided the cover painting, making it a very personal project.

Lao and Chen: Master your Art

This graphic novel is a fantasy tale about twin brother and sister Lao and Chen who are in a big quest for the mastery of their magical powers. The core to their powers is the box of life and that box has an enemy that wants to destroy it, a foe well known as ILu...

A Parthenon on our Roof

This is a story of two people who couldn’t be more different: Alexandra, a product of Greek Fire. Born into the cradle of civilization. Weaned on the teachings of ancient Greek philosophers, thrilled by the bravery of Spartans and thousands of years of cultural...

Downhill, Dark Dreams, and Dark Shadows

We’re especially delighted when we get to work with authors for a second, third or even fourth book – it must mean we’re doing something right! And we’re really pleased to have published all three (so far!) of Ann Thorsson’s books,...

Buddhism and other such rubbish!

Gavin is a stand-up comedian, and has put together some of his material into a laugh-out-loud book. As well as selling it through online retailers, he offers signed copies at his shows, and has had a great response to his musings on those who profess to be experts on...