Amazon’s pay-per-page read on e-books

You may have seen headlines recently regarding Amazon paying self-published authors per page read and been just a little bit worried. But worry not. Just to make it clear – this has nothing to do with e-book royalties. If someone buys your e-book, you will receive the...

How to promote your ebook

In a crowded market it’s difficult to get your book noticed. Particularly with ebooks where there isn’t even a physical printed book that you can actively show people or that can sit on a bookshop’s shelf. If your book is garnering a number of 4 or 5 star reviews...

How to read a .mobi ebook on a Kindle

Kindles are great. But did you know you can use your Kindle to read ebooks that weren’t bought through Amazon? If, for example, you’ve purchased and downloaded an ebook from somewhere other than Amazon, and you want to read it on your Kindle, here’s...