How can Goodreads help with your book marketing?

Goodreads is the world’s largest website for readers, authors and book recommendations. Readers can search for new books, new authors, share reviews, and keep track of what they’ve read. And because there are so many readers on the site, it’s a great place for authors...

How to market your book

We’ve come up with a nice little analogy about your book being on Amazon. Imagine your book as a product available in a shop on a shelf somewhere; it exists but it’s not out in the open for everyone to see. Sure, people might stumble across it by chance at some point...

What are the ‘Legal Deposit Libraries’?

In the UK, it’s every publisher’s obligation to send at least one copy of a published book, free of charge, to the British Library. This has been in English law for printed books and papers since 1662 (and for electronic publications since 2013). Since...

Film adaptation rights

One of the questions we get asked occasionally by some of our more optimistic and forward-thinking authors is in relation to film adaptation rights and I was reminded about this at the weekend when I went to see The Martian at the cinema. For those of you who don’t...